Monday, July 19, 2010

Obama - Bush and the world of PSC's

The United States relies on contractors to provide a wide variety of services in Iraq and Afghanistan, including security. Private firms known as private security contractors (PSCs) are hired to protect individuals, transport convoys, forward operating bases, buildings, and other economic infrastructure. While DOD has previously contracted for security in Bosnia and elsewhere, it appears that in Iraq and Afghanistan DOD is for the first time relying so heavily on armed contractors to provide security during combat or stability operations. As of March 31, 2010, there were more than 27,000 armed private security contractors in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Recent contracting trends indicate that the number of such contractors in Iraq may decline while the number in Afghanistan may continue to increase. Many analysts and government official believe that DOD would be unable to execute its mission without PSCs. 

The above paragraph is from a 6/22/10 "Congressional Research Service" report on the use of contractors in Iraq and Afghanistan. Since Iraq, the use of contractors has been both war’s dirty secret - growing exponentially in cost of lives and treasury. These contractors allow our cowardly & craven leaders cover up the extent of our involvement in both wars as conversation always pivots on the US troop numbers never on the amount of private contractors.
This use of what amounts to mercenaries (in many cases) was embraced by President Bush, but it has increased under President Obama with none of the “accountability” that he promised during his campaign.
I have a novel idea - if this war is worth fighting lets (1) increase taxes to pay for it and then (2) re-institute the draft so it is fought by regular US citizens being paid military rates of compensation and not highly paid private contractors!


  1. Stellar ideas! Any suggestions on how we can rip down the immutable wall between defense and non-defense budgets? I didn't hear anyone say "let's shelve a bomber or two" (or better, "let's bring home a few thousand troops") to pay for the unemployment extension.

  2. Another $59 billion "approved". We're killing ourselves with our own money.
