Monday, July 5, 2010

4th of July

How sad and cynical it is for our nation’s leaders to play on patriotism to support our current war efforts. The wars in Iraq and Afghanistan have nothing to do with preserving freedom or protecting our nation. These “leaders” extol our servicemen and women for “fighting to preserve our freedom” when all most of them have ever fought for is to preserve their bank accounts (and of course guarantee funding for their next campaign).

Of course, all Americans “support” our troops, I feel like crying whenever I hear about some poor soldier losing his or her life in Afghanistan, but this does not make this war worthwhile, reasonable or “win-able.” It is a war driven by our military industry (talk about corporate welfare!) to fill defense contractor’s pockets and pour cash into congressional districts and feed campaigns.

Republicans can make a stand on extending unemployment benefits to American citizens in the name of “deficit reduction” but they are happy to spend millions of dollars a day in Afghanistan and Iraq (funded by our foreign debt holders) and that is A-OK (please do not construe this comment as being supportive of Democrats – they are just as guilty). Hey, Tea Party morons, here is something to really get MAD about!

For more info on the cost of our war efforts visit run by the National Priorities Project.

1 comment:

  1. You can't get mad in chickenshit country - only afraid. Thanks W and Cheney - what a grotesque couple they were. McChrystal, what a worm, just told the world it's useless by doing all he could to be relieved. We need to get out now and drastically pump up veteran's assistance - three, four, even five tours of duty?!!!!! Don't even try to re-read Tuchman's March of Folly.
