Friday, February 17, 2012

Mitt meet John - John meet Mitt

Is anyone else getting the uneasy feeling that Mitt is the Republican Party's John Kerry?  The candidate that seems like they should be electable, after all they are not the incumbent.  The resume is good, they both look fine, but are both completely incapable of making a passionate case for their presidency.  For Mitt there is an undeniable sense of entitlement, a sense that a guy like him simply should be president, he has earned it.  He gains ground by having his minions assassinate his rivals, NOT by making a positive case for himself.  Mitt is the non-Obama candidate for Republicans much like like John was the non-Bush candidate for Democrats.  Folks, this is not a strategy for anything but a 2nd term walk for President Obama.  I think even Republicans cannot believe this is happening, and they are not known for their intellectual acumen.  It is kind of unbelievable with a platoon sized field of candidates, and hatred of Obama so hot, that the Grand Party could not do better the Mitt.  

A pundit early in the Obama's term mused that the Obama presidency might end up having historical similarities to Jimmy Carter.  I thought this a prescient comment at the time, maybe Obama will be lucky in that Romney is no Ronald Regan.
Hey Republican Party sing along with me; "4 more years, 4 more years, 4 more years, 4 more.........." 

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