Sunday, November 20, 2011

Newt “don’t call it lobbying” Ginrgrich

Six Republican presidential candidates sat around a mock Thanksgiving table Saturday to discuss God and social issues at an Internet-only debate held by “Citizen Link” (formerly “Focus on the Family Action”) and moderated by Republican pollster Frank Luntz.  In keeping with the Thanksgiving theme Newt discussed Captain John Smith who told the early settlers “If you don’t work, you don’t eat”   Gingrich went on to say that principle is the basis for a sound value system, and proof of “how much the left has collapsed in our country.” His topper was his message to Occupy Wall Street; “Go get a job, right after you take a bath."  This brought a big laugh form the morons in Iowa.

Let us ponder this for a moment (a moment is all I am going to be able to stand); getting beyond the odd retort of "get a job" in our present economy we have this corrupt and decadent symbol of wealth and power, a very paradigm of crony capitalism lecturing fellow Americans about exercising their right to protest.  While I find the Occupy Wall Street movement a bit juvenile, they are bringing up very serious issues that go directly to the heart of the way guys like Gingrich make a living. 

Perhaps the leftist scum who occupy Wall Street have not had access to the $10’s of millions of dollars in lobbying fees that Gingrich’s firm have received, including over $1.5 million (of essentially taxpayer dollars) from perhaps the most corrupt and costly business organization in American history Freddie Mac.  Gingrich is a multimillionaire leaching off the intersection of corporate and legislative special interests and he is going to lecture us on, values, work ethics, and Captain John Smith at a “Family Forum,” are you fucking kidding me!

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