Monday, June 28, 2010

The problem with Republicans

While anti-Obama sentiments rage around the country fueling the Tea Party movement and anti-incumbency fever is it going to be enough to win the next presidential race? The party has rallied around Mitch McConnell who simply plays the politics of opposition (simple opposition is certainly easier than pursuing actual ideas and legislation). This all may be an effective strategy in the mid-terms but I don’t think it is going to work in a presidential contest. In a presidential race you need to actually have a vision and plan and (at least appear) that you possess the intangible quality of leadership.

While the bloom is certainly off the Obama rose, he will enter the next presidential cycle with some real accomplishments running against a Republican party that appears to pride itself in a “just say no” agenda. Yes, Mr. Obama’s accomplishments are questionable; massive Health Care legislation that institutionalizes future deficit spending and does nothing to control costs and (again) massive Financial Reform legislation that does nothing to ameliorate “to big to fail” and institutionalizes future bail outs while creating a huge new “consumer protection” agency (again fueled by deficit spending). Whatever you think about these 2 accomplishments it is not going to be enough to just rail against them, the next Republican presidential candidate will need to have an actual plan to make our country better, you know, some vision for America. See anybody on the Republican horizon that fits that mold?

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